Smart Girl Politics Action’s annual summit kicked off this morning in Indianapolis, Ind., with a trip to the gun range and wrapped up this evening with speeches by Katie Pavlich and Georgia Senate candidate Karen Handel. Pavlich stressed the importance of debunking the media narrative and then got right to it, putting Nancy Pelosi and Sandra Fluke on notice that they do not represent her when they speak of behalf on American women.
@KatiePavlich speaking at #sgs13 banquet.—
Diane D (@DianeDurdaller) August 10, 2013
@KatiePavlich – "there is more than one side to 'the female voice' – Nancy Pelosi and Sandra Fluke don't speak for me. #SGS13—
Joy Yearout (@joyyearout) August 11, 2013
Pavlich also took on NOW and the modern feminist movement.
@KatiePavlich speaks to #SGS13 attendees about her recent visit with the ladies at N.O.W. #sgp—
Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 10, 2013
Listening to newest member of #NOW. @KatiePavlich #SGS13—
Sheri Aden (@huskerdiva) August 10, 2013
@KatiePavlich touts Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto picked up at The NOW Conference. Tells @OfficialSGP "This is what you're up against."—
RPL (@smartinnj) August 10, 2013
Glad @KatiePavlich is reading passages from the Communist Manifesto. Always been surprised by how many ppl haven't actually read it. #SGS13—
S. R. Mann (@sevenlayercake) August 10, 2013
@katiepavlich at #sgs13: "The goal of Marxism is to destroy the family."—
Shelby Blakely (@aBeneGesserit) August 10, 2013
When you're trying to abort a child at 5 months, you're very pro-abortion. -@KatiePavlich #SGS13—
Ruth (@MissRuth1021) August 10, 2013
.@KatiePavlich: Modern feminism is radically different than the original feminism advocated by those who got women the right to vote. #sgs13—
Isabella Penola (@Isabella1776_OR) August 10, 2013
@KatiePavlich at #sgs13: "progressives want women less dependent on their families and more dependent on government." #tcot—
Shelby Blakely (@aBeneGesserit) August 10, 2013
Katie Pavlich at #SGS13 "We don't like the status quo, we are the opposite of NOW"—
K Mc (@DesertNSun) August 10, 2013
#sgs13 @KatiePavlich: The women of NOW are willing to follow the Democratic Party no matter what.—
Merican-American (@lheal) August 10, 2013
At #sgs13 listening to @KatiePavlich "Apparently GOP hasn't learned that women vote more than men." Amen! @GOP Are you listening?—
Emily Ziarko (@Emmme30) August 10, 2013
Pavlich wrapped up the night by accepting this year’s Breitbart Spirit Award, which Dana Loesch successfully transported home last year after the TSA confirmed it was a trophy and not a bomb.
Andrew Breitbart Spirit Award goes to @KatiePavlich! Well deserved! #sgs13—
Jennifer Leslie (@SmartGirlJen) August 11, 2013
Congrats to Ms. @KatiePavlich for winning the Andrew Breitbart Spirit Award. Well-deserved!! #SGS13—
Susie Moore (@SmoosieQ) August 11, 2013
@KatiePavlich wins the #SGS13 Breitbart award! We love you, Katie!—
Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 11, 2013
Big, big congratulations to Katie Pavlich, winner of the #SGS13 Breitbart Spirit Award. She is a great model for all of us happy warriors!—
Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 11, 2013
Wow! Thank you @OfficialSGP! Had no idea this was coming and so many hard working smart girls deserve it. Very humbled.—
Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 11, 2013
I have been informed my award might get me detained and groped at TSA tomorrow….cc: @DLoesch—
Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 11, 2013