Kira Ayn Davis has won the third annual Breitbart Spirit Award at tonight’s Smart Girl Summit in Atlanta, Ga., joining previous winners Dana Loesch and Katie Pavlich.
So honored to join my friends @KatiePavlich & @DLoesch as a recipient of @OfficialSGP's Breitbart Spirit Award!—
Kira Davis (@KiraAynDavis) August 02, 2014
Congratulations to the incredible @KiraAynDavis for receiving @OfficialSGP's Breitbart Spirit Award. SO much deserved and well earned!—
Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 02, 2014
@KiraAynDavis Congratulations on your SGP Breitbart Spirit Award. #sgs14—
RPL (@smartinnj) August 02, 2014
@smartinnj @KiraAynDavis Congratulations, Kira!!!—
Dan Sparks (@DanSparx) August 02, 2014
@KiraAynDavis You. Rock! @KatiePavlich @DLoesch @OfficialSGP—
Carlton Hinds (@methuselaschild) August 02, 2014
Congratulations @KiraAynDavis on winning the #SGS14 Breitbart award. Well deserved!—
Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) August 02, 2014
@OfficialSGP @KiraAynDavis Awesome job, Kira!!!!—
Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) August 02, 2014
Congratulations to @KiraAynDavis SGP Breitbart Award winner for 2014! #sgs14—
Diane D (@DianeDurdaller) August 02, 2014
The annual Breitbart Spirit Award is presented to a woman “who embodies the qualities and power of Andrew Breitbart.”
Here’s a sample of those qualities:
@KiraAynDavis tells her story. She's an amazing patriot! #sgs14—
Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 02, 2014
America doesn't owe you opportunity, America IS the opportunity – @KiraAynDavis #sgs14—
Smart Girl Politics (@OfficialSGP) August 02, 2014
@KiraAynDavis At 10 yrs.old, I fell in love w/this country. One day, I would be a citizen. This country would be my greatest love. #SGP2014—
Teresa Oelke (@ttoelke) August 02, 2014
"There's no Canadian dream, there's no British dream…the whole world has heard of the American Dream" @KiraAynDavis #sgs14 @OfficialSGP—
Catherine (@1stbornAmerican) August 02, 2014
@KiraAynDavis is a dynamic speaker whose story is so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes. #sgs14—
Anita MonCrief (@anitamoncrief) August 02, 2014
Conservatives don't do this out of hate, we do it out of love. – @KiraAynDavis #sgs14—
Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) August 02, 2014
‘So grateful’: Conservative immigrant Kira Davis on what Independence Day means to her
MSNBC kicks bloggers out of convention over pro-Romney sign; ‘Because I’m black and conservative’